I rendered out some more passes of my rooms and edited them together in Photoshop.
I rendered out some more passes of my rooms and edited them together in Photoshop.
I made a timecoded version of my animatic with a frame count for when I animate later on.
I rendered out the individual images of the characters from the lineup that I made yesterday while working on putting my turnarounds together.
Today, I focused on posing my characters and taking some renders and playblasts for my turnarounds and art of. This also involved me taking some more renders of my environments.
I have spent today also creating and putting together some turnarounds, which should hopefully be finished tomorrow. I've also noticed that I'm getting a better handle of the rig the more I pose with the characters, so I'm hoping it'll be easier for me to animate some shots over the coming days too.
Today, I applied the rim light to the other characters and some of the props in my environments. I began to work on rendering clearer quality images for my individual characters.