Tuesday 29 January 2019

From Script To Screen: Influence Maps

Before I start thumbnailing character/prop/location designs, I wanted to make some influence maps that I could draw ideas from. I will likely end up collating ideas from each of these to make my definitive production design influence map.

For the wife character, I wanted to incorporate a lot of rounder, softer shapes so I looked at characters that I thought would be good to get ideas from. I also liked the idea of her having knitting needles in her hair the same way some people put pencils in their hair.

I wanted the bomb disposal character to have this sense of goofiness about him but also retain aspects from the military-like job that he retires from at the beginning of the story (which would be evident through his clothes and other minor details).

I decided to look at the interior and exterior of the hotel separately so I could look at them in slightly more depth. For the inside of the hotel, I looked at 'fancier' hotels, but for the outside, I just considered seaside towns that people would go to visit and that I've visited personally that seem like they fit the "quaint seaside town" idea.

For the scissors, I looked into antique sewing and embroidery scissors specifically. Mostly because it would make more sense for the wife character to be carrying this kind of scissor and because the 'antique' aspect adds to the fact that she and her husband are older characters.

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