Sunday 8 December 2019

Collaboration: Animation Progress (Part 1)

Rough blocking;

Scene 1: Shot 1

Scene 1: Shot 2

Scene 2: Shot 2

Scene 3: Shot 6

Scene 3: Shot 7

Scene 3: Shot 8

Playblasts of cleaned up animation before viewport rendering:

Scene 1: Shot 2

Scene 2: Shot 2

Scene 3: Shot 6

Scene 3: Shot 7

Scene 3: Shot 8

I think the more I've been doing these, I'm getting the hang of the graph editor and the way things work, especially since animating the first clips, but I still have a lot more to understand and learn as I move on.


  1. Well done. One note, don't forget to make your character blink, otherwise they won't feel alive (Mannequins etc). Also, blinking in itself can be funny...for example, when blindly pointing to the menu....'Pick up menu - blink, blink - point at menu - blink, blink.

    1. Thank you! I'll add some in before I render it out on the viewport.
