Sunday 5 May 2019

Fantastic Voyage: Texturing (Part 6)

Since I did even more texturing and making more duplicate models for it, I decided to make it into its own post. I made a new fish model, a new coin model, new screens, and new carbon, hydrogen, and bond models. 

I made the second coin so I could have it rotating on one of the 'stage complete' screens and because it is needed in the recycling game:

Its texture map:

For the machine screens, all I had to do was duplicate the existing screens and apply a blank surface shader onto them and turn their visibility off. This will be relevant for each machine as when one is selected and an object is inserted, the screen will switch on before the game starts and the camera zooms into the screen itself, so I can change the screens by adjusting the visibility.

I had to make another fish model because this one belongs in the 'game over' screen to show that the 'player' lost all of their health/lives. As it is static, I didn't need to touch the rig that was set up for the other fish. 

 Here is its texture map:

Here is  the now (what should be) complete set of models:

Here's an extremely quick test render of the glowing effect:

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