Thursday 19 March 2020

Premise: Character Design (Part 3)

I proceeded by continuing with the initial older design first and drawing out some designs based upon the idea that the character would be moving house into a new town/city filled with people that were not like them, displayed in the visual style again of either having everyone else look like animal people or like fantasy creatures.

When thinking about the types of people in a town, there were were quite a few that stuck out to me, including shopkeeper/employers, parents and their children, elderly people, and the like. 

I experimented with different species. I found that if I were to choose to go ahead with the animal characters, I would probably keep a mix between colour schemes based off of the actual animal species and less natural and rather bright colour schemes and patterns to make them stand out from each other a little more.

I also continued to look at the fantasy creatures (particularly demons and cyclops-type characters), but I found I was beginning to favour the animal characters more as they had a friendlier and slightly more appealing look to them.

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