Monday 12 November 2018

What If Metropolis: Thumbnails (Part 4)

I decided to pick my favourite building and object designs from the last set of thumbnails and refine the designs more. On Sherman's works, there is usually a shape at the top of his ceramics (or very prominently included elsewhere if not on top), so I incorporated that onto each of the buildings.

I also refined the trees and fence designs, to match the shapes of the buildings more. The circular shape within the trees on thumbnail 82 are more prominent and simplified now as well, as are the diamond and circle patterns within the wire on the fences in thumbnail 105.

For my hero prop, I am considering thumbnails 83, 88, 102, or 104.

1 comment:

  1. It might be you need to treat a few of your assets as 'hero prop' in so much as they all have this simplicity to them (which isn't a criticism btw) - it sort of feels to me as this is an ensemble job - so bringing together a few of these assets... that said, 104 is v. cute :)
