Thursday 15 November 2018

What If Metropolis: Thumbnails (Part 5)

I decided to combine some of my building ideas from the last thumbnail and refine others to create these final designs. Regarding their functions, I would consider them as either houses, places of meditation, or just places where the inhabitants come together (perhaps with one of the buildings potentially even being used for the inhabitants to create/make/sculpt things) as Buddhism generally focuses on removing oneself from material possessions, thus leaving little reason for there to be shops or places to work. Sherman himself also did something similar to this by leaving behind a well-paid profession to create sculptures full-time.

I moved on to experiment with some colour palettes:

I want to maintain an "earthy" colour palette throughout, so I tried varying degrees. As Sherman's work has these sorts of colours combined with pieces of slightly more vivid colours, I tried to add in some of this as well. I'm not entirely sure which one to base my concept painting and by extension the digital set colour palettes on, but the third colour palette seems to be a nice balance between vibrant and "earthy". I may add some more red tones to the third palette if I do use it (if it's necessary or appropriate). When adding more detail to these buildings later on, I will probably add some textures that indicate that they have been weathered and worn down by the environment (such as the peeling paint mentioned in my travelogue).

I intend to create some thumbnails for rocky structures in the background of the digital set as, after speaking to Simon on Monday, I realized that the Zen garden has rocks/rock structures as prominent features. I will also think about the patterns on the ground of the city and use the gravel/sand patterns in Zen gardens as inspiration.

1 comment:

  1. A very pleasing little collection, Karris - rather unhelpfully, I seem to like them all!
