Wednesday 12 December 2018

What If Metropolis: Test Renders (Part 1)

This is the matte painting integrated with one of the lighting tests (altered to be slightly dimmer). I put an overlay on top of the matte painting and tried my best to get rid of the jagged lines on the outside of the models. 

1 comment:

  1. I think this is looking good, Karris - but I still feel you could soften the glare on that building to the right of the centre - you've got some 'burn out' in terms of the glare on the edges and it just feels as if the light source is a touch too close to that surface - in photography terms, that bit feels 'over-exposed' and hard whereas everywhere else is softer and less 'whited-out' - what do you think? It's a final tweak, I think!
