Thursday 28 May 2020

Premise: Character Design (Part 8)

I finalised the designs for the rest of the classmates and the teacher (if the design for her is needed for the lesson scene). This is so that I understand what designs I am attempting to transfer over to my models for the film. 

Firstly, I decided to revisit one of the earlier designs for the kangaroo character I'd made and combine it with the outline of the kangaroo teacher I'd made to create a full body design for the teacher character. The receptionist character that would have been used for the reception/office scene would have likely been a variant of the same kangaroo model but with different facial features, a different colour palette, and different clothes, but since I wasn't using that scene anymore, it wasn't necessary to design her. 

Some of the classmates/secondary characters that I designed are also based off of old designs but refined further. These include the purple Dachshund girl, the white cat boy, the Boxer dog boy, the Golden Retriever boy, and the pink cat girl. I added Evie into the mix to compare her design with the other characters and to help me when considering colour palettes for them as I wanted them all to be different from each other (especially Evie). I will probably consider naming all of these characters at a later date so that I can differentiate between them more. I think that it was beneficial to create a mix between more "natural" or realistic designs based on the animals as well as creating more brightly coloured ones.

I considered some rabbit-based designs as well, but quickly realised that a third set of base models would likely be excessive, so I scrapped the idea after the initial four designs. I will refine and transfer some of these designs when I am carrying over the rest of the classmates' designs onto the base models which I also what I intend to do next besides storyboarding and creating my animatic. 

As well as the animal characters, I also had to design the original best friend character that is in the picture that Kris carries with them throughout the short, and Evie's human form. As there are multiple human characters, I will probably have to make another base model for the human characters and model pieces on separately such as the hair as I will have to do with some assets of the animal characters. 

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