Thursday 21 May 2020

Premise: Environment Design (Part 3)

I continued to work on the environments that I'd designed as I am not sure if I will be using all of them just yet - I ended up working on the reception/office room, a section of the hallway of the house that the main character lives in, and work on the school corridors. I decided to add extra detailing in a lighter colour on all of the environments to display where patterns are going to go (such as tiling, carpet seams, and wall paint or wall murals). 

I intend to at least polish up the canteen, classroom, and playground environments and then work on story and the final pieces of prop design (such as the photograph that the character carries with them) as well as figuring out how I am going to create foundation/base designs that can be textured and have 2D facial rigging to resemble multiple different characters including the background characters and the friend characters. I also aim to see if I can create visual differences with the environments in terms of colour, such as having them desaturated and slightly 'warped' in a sense to illustrate the main character's negative perception of their experience, followed by the current designs being coloured brightly with a warmer palette to show the positive perception that follows once their experience begins to improve.

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