Wednesday 23 October 2019

Toolkit 2: Character Design: Session 3

In this week's character design session, we started to look at set design including both the exterior and the interior of a building. To begin with, we were given a famous building and a theme that we could apply to it. I was given the Guggenheim Museum and my theme was steampunk.

I started off by looking at the building itself to understand the basic shapes before putting the theme onto it. 

After some feedback from Justin, I went back and drew it again to revisit the original shapes of the building in a slightly better way so it was still completely recognisable. 

We then moved on to looking at the interior of the building we'd designed, while also keeping to the theme we'd been given beforehand. I was struggling with the perspective and how to incorporate the ring shape from the outside of the building into the roof as well as the vast expanse that should've been on the floor so Justin provided me with sketches to help me to understand it better.

For the rest of the morning I carried on looking at the interior and what the different angles would show or what could be put into the inside of the bottom floor (such as a machine in the centre, elevators or machines around the edge of the wall). 

In the afternoon, we went back to our personal character design projects. Since my set theme was '1930's/40's Hollywood', I began referencing some images I'd found but focused mainly on the composition of the pictures.

I also revisited some of the objects I'd been looking at before such as the vinyl toys including dolls and cars. After speaking to Justin again, it seems like the sequence that I'm going to have to consider later on ('entering a room' and 'the big shootout') are going to take place in typical gangster-style settings such as a back alley leading to some kind of club or other venue. Justin suggested having a shot at the beginning to set the scene that would incorporate the old-fashioned 'Hollywood glam' style with the use of a shot of the city skyline.

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