Wednesday 11 November 2020

Art Jam (Session 1)

Our first 'art jam' session with Meg had us designing characters (specifically monsters) to match a randomly generated criteria. This was done by having different categories (arms, eyes, and legs followed by personality traits) and having numbers generated for us by a website that would tell us what rules we had to follow to design these characters.

In my case, I ended up with three eyes, two arms, and six legs. The personality trait that I ended up to begin with was 'outcast'.

After making some basic designs, we had to pick some designs and refine them after rolling for a second personality trait to combine with the first one we ended up with. The second personality trait that I received was 'sad'. 

I picked aspects of designs that I liked and began to combine them to create more refined results.

Finally, we were supposed to pick one of the designs from the next stage of refinement and then finish it up completely. I stuck with the sludge horse-type character.


  1. An absolutely gorgeous outcome! Love your designs as they are very clean and creative :D i can imagine how long it must’ve taken since you had six legs for your character but I admire how you pulled through ! I hope you enjoyed the session!

    1. Thank you Meg! I really enjoyed the session and can't wait to get around to finishing the ink blot challenge :)
