Saturday 28 November 2020

Toolkit 3: Photogrammetry: Camera and Scene Matching in 3D (Part 2)

The next part of the tutorial involved importing the second image that we'd made adjustments to into Maya and creating the camera and basic elements of the scene before proceeding further.

Creating a camera and using it to import the image plane with the photograph on it.

Renaming the camera, and then creating a plane applied to a coloured layer to act as a grid.

Setting up a cube that will be used in place of the container in the photograph using a similar method to the plane: snapping the pivot point to the corner and then applying it to a coloured layer for better visibility within the scene.

Creating a plane that will be used as the wall behind the container in the photograph again using the same method as with the above objects.

Changing the focal length of the camera before increasing the scale and adjusting the rotation of the cube, and then beginning to change the position of the camera so the cube better matches the image.

Making further adjustments to the cube, background plane, and camera position.

Bookmarking the camera.

Simplifying the grid and locking the camera's attributes.

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