Wednesday 11 November 2020

Minor: Prop Designs Finalised

 The next thing after the character designs to revisit was the prop designs. Since some of the props I'd made before were now redundant and others were now unnecessarily detailed for the purpose they were going to serve, I decided to simplify or combine some of what I already had into newer props. Some of these props aren't tied to specific characters and are simply decorative, while others are significant and hold a purpose such as Kit's possessions.

Between the first set of designs I'd made and having redesigned them, I'd looked into production and concept art for shows I drew influence from again to better understand how things are organised especially in regard to prop designing. I feel like it's helped me to do a better job at knowing where and where not to add detail this time around, and to consider props I hadn't before (such as furniture populating the playground and class scenes). 

For the photograph in particular, I reworked it so the message that Renée had written on it was on the back instead of obscuring parts of the front. It would also be easier to read when it is shown on-screen, and solved the problem that I encountered during Premise where I wasn't decided on whether to include the writing at all; I could still include it but on the reverse of the photograph. This means that Kit only needs to rotate it to read it.

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