Wednesday 7 April 2021

Major: Environment Modelling (Playground)

The playground used the same steps as the other rooms. Firstly, the reference image had to be imported and the walls and floor set up.

Next, I had to make the tree. For this, I had to improvise and come up with something that retained the shape of the concept art but still fit in with the 3D aesthetic that wouldn't be too problematic to make. This model will probably be carried over into the school exterior model as well, since that also involves a very similar-looking tree in its design. 

I added more loops into the floor and walls, since the playground relies much more heavily on texturing for detail compared to the other areas. 

One of the last steps was to add the furniture in. I made the decision to only make half of the playground and leave the other furniture out to focus on only the top end. This was because the bottom half of the playground isn't actually visible at all in the film, so spending time modelling the flower beds and texturing it for it to not show up at all wouldn't make sense. I am still considering re-arranging some of the furniture, especially on the left side of the environment, before I come to texturing it later on.

Completed, with furniture:

Completed, without furniture:

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