Sunday 17 November 2019

Toolkit 2: Character Design: Refining Designs

I spent a while going over my character designs from class and working with them a little bit to refine them some more using what I'd learned and the references I have been drawing inspiration from over the course of the last few weeks. I feel like I'm getting closer to finalising the designs for the hero character and the villain character, though I still feel like I've got a bit of work to do to make them better fit with the 'vinyl toy' design (perhaps with exploring texture a bit more). I've also still got to design a 'goon' type character to work underneath the villain as per Justin's suggestion.

I started out by looking at outfits for the villain character based on the outfits I'd looked at a couple of weeks ago, and decided an amalgamation of the first and second worked best in terms of shapes and fitting it into block-ier shapes when thinking about the 'vinyl toy' aspect of things. 

I then went ahead and started exploring some expressions for the characters while putting together the more refined drawings above, using the idea of the black-and-white-with-red motif inspired by old Hollywood films from around that era as well as in media as monotone colour schemes with one, two, or more stand-out colours appear sometimes in some TV shows, video games, and films. I feel like, by drawing them being a little more expressive, I'm starting to understand the personalities I want them to have a bit better.

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