Wednesday 6 November 2019

Toolkit 2: Character Design: Session 5

This week's character design session had us concentrating on facial features; more specifically, the way in which the face contorts with the intensity of emotion, combining different emotions, and trying to incorporate body language into this as well.

We were then given an object or building that we had to give a personality to; I was given a garden shed and decided to make it old, rickety, and grumpy-seeming after drawing out an initial reference to try and understand what I'd be working with.

We then moved onto animals and how we could give them just as much emotion and personality as humanoid characters by simplifying and exaggerating facial features. I was given a kangaroo and started out by drawing from a reference. I then went on to assign the character a sort of indifferent, irritable personality and attempted to convey this by making the character first of all more anthropomorphic and then trying to apply emotion onto its face.

We then went back to our personal projects for the afternoon. I carried on looking at my hero character and the femme fatale-type character, and started to settle on more concrete designs for these. I am going to finalise the sort of look I want them to have first before starting to apply the 'vinyl toy' aspect to them by simplifying their designs and giving them prominent toy-like features such as texture and ball joints for articulation.

I decided that I liked the idea of basing my colour scheme off of old black and white films, but combining it with a colour motif of red as it pops out. 

I will probably progress by making full-body designs for these characters and then looking at the villain character plus any henchmen types he might have accompanying him. I'll also start finalising the environment that these characters are going to be interacting within.

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